$199.00 USD

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Resonance Alchemy™️: Foundations Early Bird

Payment Details:

  • One early bird payment of $199.
  • One payment will be deducted from your debit or credit card account immediately and you'll be emailed a receipt.

What's Included:

  • 9 comprehensive Modules with over 5 hours of pre-recorded video lessons.
  • Additional video demonstrations personally curated by Katherine Parker.
  • Exclusive guided meditations tailored specifically for this program.
  • Access to downloadable materials and supplementary content.


  • The Resonance Alchemy™️ Transformation Process (value $144)
  • Resonance Alchemy™️ EMF Shield (value $40): Combining Sacred Geometry with the Sacred Syllables of Resonance Alchemy™️ these shields carry specific vibrational codes which assist in neutralizing the negative effects of EMF frequencies through your phone, computer or other electronic devices.

What Others Are Saying:

Katherine is what I would call a Quantum Shaman, a new age Shaman, here to think outside the box, to overcome the conditions were dealing with on this planet. I took her level 1 course Last Summer, and came to understand the true power and depth of the healing powers it holds. Katherine is one of the greatest teachers I've ever witnessed and I plan on taking the other courses in the near future."

R.Hatton Founder of Vibrant Vital Water and Project Clean Oceans

I am so grateful for the profound transformations I am able to facilitate and experience with this work. 🌹🙏🏼⚡💗

Reetah M.

The class has been a life changer. It’s been such an honor to learn this work directly from you. I feel so blessed. I so appreciate all your hard work in pulling all this together and sharing from your heart so that many more can spread the healing so badly needed now.💜🥰

Janet W.