Resonance Alchemy™️: Foundations

Unlocking the Power of Your Divine Design

How to transform your life
through the power of Resonance and Vibration



Discover how to raise your vibration, master your energy and release blockages so that you can reach your highest potential



...sailing through your day feeling, calm, centered and present, unaffected by the negativity around you and able to meet your challenges with confidence!

Imagine blockages becoming opportunities and fears and negative patterns transforming as you shift your vibrational state easily and naturally.


Introducing: Resonance Alchemy™️ Foundations

Resonance Alchemy™️ Foundations is an Introduction to Resonance Alchemy™️ - 
a unique system of transformational energy medicine, channeled from advanced Pleiadean Star Elders. This system is designed to help you awaken, ascend, and evolve. Just like ancient alchemy, it offers techniques to heal your body, mind, and spirit while providing you with tools for inner alchemical growth.

It has been offered to assist us in our awakening, ascension and evolution. It is a system of inner knowledge directly related to the tradition of ancient alchemy, and like the original alchemy of old, includes techniques for healing body, mind and spirit. But even more important, Resonance Alchemy™️ offers us easy to use tools to assist in the inner alchemical process of awakening, ascension, and spiritual evolution.

This introduction to Resonance Alchemy™️ includes simple energy medicine and meditation techniques you can use to transform your life, accelerate your spiritual evolution and awaken to the joy and aliveness of your true nature. 

Created & presented by internationally acclaimed spiritual healer, author and visionary founder of Resonance Alchemy™️, Katherine Parker.


What You'll Learn

This self-led online course provides you with simple, powerful and easy-to-use tools and techniques that empower you to find your calm center, raise your vibration, clear negative energy and unlock the joy within you so that you can finally live your purpose.  

In this introductory course taught directly by Katherine Parker, you will learn:

How to activate the potential of your multi-dimensional energy system and divine blueprint 
The power of 'inner sound' and the use of universal sacred seed syllables to balance, tune and raise your vibrational state
Techniques to transform negative emotions and help you maintain a positive mental and emotional attitude
How to 'Open Your Heart' to greater coherence and unconditional love
How to build and maintain a strong and grounded energy field
A powerful 7-step process for transforming all areas of your life

Hi, I'm Katherine

I'm an internationally acclaimed spiritual healer, author and the founder of Resonance Alchemy™️, a profound new system of transformational energy medicine.

I have been transforming clients and teaching students worldwide for more than two decades.  I continued to channel the higher dimensional sacred seed syllables Resonance Alchemy™️ is based on, bringing in the frequencies needed for our collective awakening and planetary evolution.

I have been passionately engaged in the fields of holistic health and transpersonal psychology for 35 years. Prior to founding Resonance Alchemy™️, I had a private practice in Denver, CO as a certified massage therapist, astrological counselor and transpersonal therapist.

What Other's Are Saying

"I cannot being to describe the life altering shifts my groups have after doing Katherine’s transformation process with the syllables.

This week I’m using this process for clearing grief, I know people will be leaving the session lighter, clearer and healthier.

Thank you, Katherine Parker. I still think RA was and is the most powerful training I’ve ever had! "

 K. Stacey, Denver

"Katherine is what I would call a Quantum Shaman, a new age Shaman, here to think outside the box, to overcome the conditions were dealing with on this planet.

I took her level 1 course Last Summer, and came to understand the true power and depth of the healing powers it holds.

Katherine is one of the greatest teachers I've ever witnessed and I plan on taking the other courses in the near future."

 R.Hatton Founder of Vibrant Vital Water and Project Clean Oceans

Join Us Now!

Don't miss out! Act now to embark on this transformative journey and empower yourself to overcome life's challenges and discover the joy and aliveness within you!

Online Course Early-Bird Price


One Easy Payment (early bird up to 31st July 2024)

  • Dive into 9 comprehensive Modules packed with over 5 hours of captivating pre-recorded video lessons.
  • Enjoy additional video demonstrations personally curated by Katherine Parker, enriching your journey through our comprehensive 9-module program.
  • Immerse yourself in transformative guided meditations tailored specifically for this program, adding a unique dimension to your journey through this comprehensive course.
  • Enrich your learning journey with invaluable resources: Gain access to downloadable materials and supplementary content meticulously designed to enhance each module, empowering you to succeed with the Resonance Alchemy™️ program.
  • The Resonance Alchemy™️ Transformation Process (value $144)
  • Resonance Alchemy™️ EMF Shield (value $40): Combining Sacred Geometry with the Sacred Syllables of Resonance Alchemy™️ these shields carry specific vibrational codes which assist in neutralizing the negative effects of EMF frequencies through your phone, computer or other electronic devices.

Resonance Alchemy™️ is a unique system of transformational energy medicine

This course is an invitation to begin to see the world from the miraculous perspective of frequency and vibration.

Learn how you can master living from that perspective in a way that is healing, empowering, and liberating.

Whether you use Resonance Alchemy™️ to add to your skills for healing others, or use it for your own personal healing and spiritual awakening, you will find tools for unwrapping your inner gifts and unlocking the greatest version of who you truly are.

What Other's Are Saying

"The class has been a life changer. It’s been such an honor to learn this work directly from you. I feel so blessed. I so appreciate all your hard work in pulling all this together and sharing from your heart so that many more can spread the healing so badly needed now.💜🥰 "

Janet W.

'Thank you so much for a wonderful experience!  Feeling very light, open, and positive.  Looking forward to continuing with your videos!  Many blessings!"

Rhodora D.C. Chicago

"More awareness and expansion is beginning to open for me as I relax and continue to release deeply. Katherine, words fail to express my deep gratitude for the divine grace and assistance that Resonance Alchemy™️ has brought to my life and spiritual evolution."

Diane S.  CO

"I am so grateful for the profound transformations I am able to facilitate and experience with this work. 🌹🙏🏼⚡💗"

Reetah M.

"Thank you for availing yourself to these teachings, and for paving the way forward for the rest of us being called to this wise, and enlightened modality."

Tina R.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are being called to step up to a greater version of ourselves.

  How will you answer that call?